Precise bunkering

with Rheonik Coriolis flow meters

Precise fuel measurement during bunkering - prevents losses and tampering


Bunkering involves pumping fuel from a bunker vessel or port facility into the tanks of a ship. This process must be monitored precisely, as even the smallest deviations can have major financial consequences. Inaccuracies, air bubbles or deliberate tampering can lead to significant fuel loss and therefore significant financial loss. Accurate measurement is crucial to ensure correct billing and avoid losses.


Rheonik Coriolis flowmeters operate independently of density and temperature changes by measuring the mass of fuel directly, without any conversion to volume. High measurement accuracy is essential, especially for marine fuel, whose price can fluctuate significantly depending on market conditions. Rheonik Coriolis meters guarantee accuracy down to 0.05% and are tested and certified to the highest standards to detect even the smallest deviations. Real-time monitoring allows continuous control of the fuel flow so that irregularities can be detected immediately and appropriate countermeasures can be taken.

Precise bunkering with
Rheonik Coriolis flow meters


Ship-to-ship (STS) bunkering involves transferring fuel from one bunker vessel to another. This is done using flexible hoses and powerful pump systems that enable a fast and efficient transfer. Coriolis flow meters play a crucial role in ensuring that the amount of fuel delivered corresponds exactly to the amount received and that there is no tampering or loss.

The use of two Coriolis flow meters also ensures maximum transparency for shore-to-ship bunkering. Coriolis 1 measures the amount of fuel discharged ashore, while Coriolis 2, also known as the bunker barch, measures the amount actually arriving in the ship. This dual measurement is crucial for identifying air bubbles, leaks or deliberate tampering. Without precise measurement, such losses often go unnoticed. But with Rheonik Coriolis flow meters, air admixtures are detected, losses are made visible and tampering is prevented - for safe, transparent and cost-efficient billing.




Precise measurement for maximum transparency

The acquisition costs for Rheonik Coriolis flow meters pay for themselves very quickly due to the high accuracy of the billing. In addition, there are hardly any maintenance costs, as there are no moving parts that could wear out.

Coriolis flow meters, especially from Rheonik, make STS and shore-to-ship bunkering more accurate, efficient and safe by providing precise mass measurements and preventing losses or tampering. The combination of state-of-the-art sensor technology, real-time data acquisition and maximum precision ensures maximum measurement reliability and cost efficiency in maritime fuel supply.